Global Stories by. Eden G

First Reflection

Goals and Reflections 

Before our first class, I was unaware of how much digital storytelling was a part of my everyday life. Furthermore, I had not realized how much I prefer digital storytelling to other platforms. As a result, I hope to be actively engaged to achieve all learning outcomes.  
The first, third, and fifth learning outcomes develop very important skills to be successful in this class, a successful student, as well as being a global citizen. I plan to develop these skills by actively reading and consuming class materials, to improve my ability to analyze different forms of less familiar media. For most of my academic skills, I am used to analyzing academic journals, and not digital stories. I hope that my active consumption of digital media combined with academic journals will expand my ability to understand complex topics and different ways of conveying ideas. As well as maybe changing the ways I approach my writing in the future. Not to mention being able to convey my ideas through digital storytelling mediums.  

I have been consuming digital stories for many years without consciously knowing them; however, I do not think I often create them. My digital literacy is proficient since I do spend a lot of time online and consuming a lot of media, I do struggle with expressing myself online through digital mediums. I find it hard to communicate in digital settings; however, since I have gotten so much out of consuming documentaries, vlogs, and video essays I feel that I would greatly improve my general academic well-being by being able to express my ideas through more mediums than an essay. To achieve this, I hope to actively engage in the storytelling process with my peers to develop my digital skills and wholistically create a complex digital story.  

Looking Forward  

What I am most looking forward to in this class is creating a project with slightly more personalization, emotion, and triangulated approach. In the past, most of the essays I’ve written have been devoid of emotion and personalization aside from my research and writing styles. I am excited to develop a project that includes sounds and visuals that have a personal flare.