Genevieve Carpio's Pedagogical Portfolio: Teaching, Digital Humanities, and Diversity

Teaching Evaluations: AMST 301 American, the Frontier, and the New West

AMST 301: American, the Frontier, and the New West

22 Students

What were this 
instructor’s main strengths?

She went over concepts in an understandable yet detailed manner while encouraging students to be actively involved in their own learning.

She was enthusiastic. She explained difficult concepts very well. She gave us exciting assignments and made the class enjoyable.

She was really passionate about teaching and excited to make class interactive

Caring, well-articulated goals, helpful, knowledgeable, friendly! Experiential learning! YAY GENA. Best TA EVER

Great TA, very helpful, very kind and nice. I feel like I learned a lot from her. One of the best TA’s at USC!

Very clear, made concepts easy to understand, very encouraging!, nice, approachable

Put a lot of effort in, fantastic review and teaching

Very knowledgeable on course subject and greatly emphasized the relations of the frontier to today

Great job, very clear and helpful, engaging, kept students attention

Very excited about class, always upbeat

Very enthusiastic and encouraging

Articulate, extremely helpful, friendly

Explain class material and helped us to understand it

The T.A. Genevieve Carpio


She explained the topic well. Was well spoken.

She knows all of the information and is enthusiastic about the subject matter

Enthusiasm, flexibility, helpfulness, and actual interest in the subject

How might this 
instructor improve his or her teaching effectiveness?


No way

She is really a good TA

I did not have any problems understanding and learning the way she taught

She is awesome

She did an excellent job

Doing well, no complaints

She’s great! She could be the professor of this course

A lot of work for a discussion section

Maybe having more review and going over key terms

More lecture, less student lecture

No need!

None. =D

Additional comments?

GREAT T.A.! Give her a raise

Better than other TA’s

Bad course, Good T.A.


Very encouraging and helpful. Thank you Gena!

I liked that discussion section because it helped to understand the lecture and the books

The best TA I’ve ever had. Always uses office hours for extra help.

Great TA!

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