Genevieve Carpio's Pedagogical Portfolio: Teaching, Digital Humanities, and Diversity

Sample Assignment: Blogger Project

Blogger Project

This project is designed for undergraduate level courses within the Department of History.

It will prompt students to apply topics covered in the course to contemporary topics of concern. After completing this assignment, students will have gained experience in collaborative writing, identified web based resources, and fostered their digital literacy.

The class would be divided into small working groups at the beginning of the semester. During each session, one group will create a Blogger site to share with their classmates. Each week, students will be taken through a tour of their classmates’ Blogger site and prompted to enter a digital dialogue in the comments section.

As a small group, open a Blogger Account at
Identify one of the following: a) video, b) newspaper article, or c) image related to our assigned reading.

Use the story you’ve identified to create a site including the following components:

a.     Share the source with proper citations, hyperlinks, and labels

b.    Identify the author’s findings/arguments

c.     Summarize key finding of the weeks readings

d.    Copy a passage or quotes which you relate to your media source

e.     Pose three discussion questions based on considering these two pieces together 

As an alternative, students are invited to create a remix video or meme that unites
course readings and a current event in order to make a novel argument. Meet
with me if you are interested in this option.

In your small group, lead your classmates through a tour of your Blogger site. Prompt them to respond to your story using the comments section (10 minutes).

Facilitate a short discussion (10 minutes) generated from your questions and student


Assessment will be based on the following criteria:

For a sample project, see here

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