People are working to make community decision making processes in SE Minnesota more inclusive...
...of people from all levels of wealth and all ethnic backgrounds.
This statement was based on a passage from "Migrant Farmworkers in South-Central Minnesota."
We could all benefit from a better understanding of dominant cultural structures in the United States, and the many ways that culture impacts our actions and decisions. An inclusive approach to community decision making—one that acknowledges existing power imbalances in the United States, and the unearned access and control that many European Americans enjoy—is critical to the development of communities that encourage the participation and respond to the needs of all their members.It is also reflected in statements by the Minnesota Farm Bureau...
Farm Bureau’s dynamic strength stems from our members at the grassroots level. People sharing ideas, seeing common wisdom, developing solid solutions...all in pursuit of improving the quality of life in a spirit of voluntary cooperation....Channel One, Inc...
Even beyond the impact of saving on grocery bills, the gardens also offer participants a chance to share tips and develop friendships. About 80% of the families who utilize the program are immigrants and refugees who are accustomed to planting large gardens in their home countries. The atmosphere in the gardens is one of family....the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture...
MISA's intention is to create opportunities for people to work cooperatively on issues of sustainable agriculture in a way that promotes synergy... [and] welcomes input from any interested parties, and will encourage healthy and vigorous debate....and the Land Stewardship Project.
We believe in social justice for everyone—and that means even the newest members of our rural communities... [We attain a just society by] helping young farmers find land to rent or purchase... [and] ensuring that immigrant farmers and farmers of color have access to the same farming opportunities as white farmers, and that people of color and low-income people have access to fresh, local, healthy food.
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