Ecology, Environment, & Land > Soil
The term soil can be used...
- As a verb: to dirty
- As a noun:
- in contrast to mere "dirt." Soil is the complex ecosystem of minerals, organic matter, rock detritus, etc. whereas dirt is displaced soil, no longer integrated with this ecosystem
- See article "Dirt Is Not Soil" (J. Raloff) in ScienceNews
- a growing medium, often bought by gardeners in bags or truckloads, and comprising a growing portion of yard services product lines
This page is a tag of:
Sustainable Farming Systems (metadata), Organic Risk Management: Soil Fertility, Organic Risk Management: Soil Health, Organic Risk Management: Soil Health (metadata), Organic Risk Management: Soil Fertility (metadata), Environmental Benefits of a Healthy, Sustainable Lawn (metadata), Preventing pollution problems from lawn and garden fertilizers (metadata), Urban Gardens & Soil Contaminants (metadata), Growing Community Resilience: Empowering Neighborhoods with Tools of Design for the Northern Climate (PDF), Urban Gardens & Soil Contaminants (PDF), Sustainable Farming Systems (PDF) View all tags
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