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Goa is a Gevron that was offered to the team, apparently as a slave.
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Gevron names

Gevrons are generally named short, one or two syllable names such as "Gavi", "Roun", "Goa", and "Mo".  In formal contexts, such as introductions, they append their name with "-re-" (pronounced "ray") and the name of one of their parents.

In some cases, Gevrons may have more than one "re" or none at all.
Several situations may cause a Gevron to not use a "re".  The Gevron may not know who their parents are; they may be estranged from their parents and not wish to associate with them; or they may be an outsider in a place where nobody would know the names of their parents.  Each of these situations is looked down upon to some extent, so the "re"-less are somewhat stigmatized.

Having more than one "re", on the other hand, is a sign of power or respect.  Most leaders will give their name with two "re"s.  Nobility will trace their genealogy back to the first noble in their line (or give two "re"s if they are of the first two generations of nobles).  Longer names carry more respect, with the longest being the king's at 17 "re"s.  Also, if a Gevron is a descendant of a particularly famed individual that is not a noble, they will give their name with one "re" as usual and follow it with "redal" and that ancestor's name.

Posted on 10 June 2014, 3:48 am by Steven Hack  |  Permalink

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