Place and environment in African American literature: by Sara Elkhodiry


Sara Elkhodiry
Professor: Uhl
FIQWS 10108
October 5th, 2017
                                                     Self-reflection on Expository Essay.
      Writing this Expository essay has helped me become a more professional writer. The genre of this Expository essay is to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, and to formulate an argument that identifies Douglass' use of imagery that can later aides his theme of “dehumanization.” I hoped while writing this Expository essay to analyze the given text professionally, to become a better thinker, and to develop clear thesis throughout the whole essay. I learned to analyze the text on a more professional level, and I got to reflect more on the dehumanization topic. I also learned to integrate vocabulary and to relate it to different texts. I worked on supporting my case with reliable sources that can be documented and verified.
       Throughout my previous essays in High school, I used to summaries ideas rather than analyzing them, but in this essay, it was different. I learned to interpret every word in the given text and to consider why these words fit together. I began to think and reflect on my own rather than relying on others to explain to me. In this essay, I learned to consider the setting, the character’s tone, the dialogue, the narrator, the voice, and the theme.
        One of the tasks in this essay was to link vocabulary or concepts from the article “Ecocritical Approach to Literary Text Interpretation” to Douglass’ work to aid his theme of dehumanization. By concerning ideas from one work to another to support my argument, I learned to think more efficiently when it comes to examining texts.
        The strategies I learned in my FIQWAS class helped me in writing this Expository essay professionally as we learned to revise many times to get the best possible version of our essays. Collaborating with each other in class helped in giving us more suggestion on how to write this essay.  Writing this Expository essay made me more adept at analyzing, drafting, and editing.


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