Place and environment in African American literature: by Sara Elkhodiry


Sara Elkhodiry
FIQWS, 10800
Prof: Uhl
Dec 12th, 2017
                                                                  Final self-reflection
       I have always had a passion for writing, yet I never explored this passion because I knew my writing needed a lot of improving. In this course, we have written various types of essays that include Literacy narrative essay, expository essay, and critical analysis essay. The journey it took to compose these assignments coherently was not a simple one, as it took a lot of time and effort. The essays I wrote throughout this semester have not only challenged me but eventually lead me to discover the inner writer in me.
        The Literacy narrative essay tested out our ability to master a narrative with vivid details, delight our readers and strive to write an authentic piece that describes and explores our journey as a writer and reader. I was anxious to write the literacy narrative essay. However, my professor assured us that after this semester is over, our writing would improve dramatically. Throughout the given time we had to write this essay, we used the grammar packet which helped strengthen my writing significantly. The grammar packet guided us in using commas, semicolons, making swift transitions and much more. By the time I was done with my literacy narrative essay, I was able to use commons correctly, semicolons, convey information clearly and concisely, establish logical connections between sentences, paragraphs, and sections of my papers, and convert the reader to my way of thinking. We had to use imagery and detailed description to allow the reader to feel the feelings and thoughts we felt during the plot of our essays. By using imagery and vivid description, my writing advanced. I was exposed to peer reviews for the first time which helped me in understanding what my essays lack. My professor taught us that peer reviews help us maintain the best possible version of our essays. After I submitted my Literacy narrative essay, I was more confident and eager to start the expository essay.
          The expository essay helped me develop strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing. During my previous essays in high school, I used to summaries ideas rather than analyzing them, but this essay taught me to interpret texts coherently. The genre of this Expository essay is to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, and formulate an argument that identifies Douglass' use of imagery that can later aides his theme of “dehumanization.” The task here was to think deeply and analyze. I learned to interpret every word in the given text and to consider why these words fit together. I began to think and reflect on my own rather than relying on others to explain to me. In this essay, I learned to consider the setting, the character’s tone, the dialogue, the narrator, the voice, and the theme. With the help of the grammar packet, I learned to correctly cite information from the given text. We also had to integrate vocabulary from “Eco-critical approach to literary text Interpretation” and to relate it to different texts which helped me develop bigger ideas and expand my thinking. Collaborating with each other in class gave me different ideas on how to improve my essay.
   Our free writing proved to be a great help. Those ten minutes that we took every lecture to write down our thoughts, whether on our weakness in writing or just on the recent news, helped me explore my passion for writing. We also learned Toulmin Method which helped us construct a logical and rational argument that is backed up by evidence. By applying the Toulmin Method to my work, my essays became more transparent, and efficient.
         By the middle of the semester, I grew more confident in my writing. I was getting better grades throughout our discussions on blackboard. I was confident that with the right amount of planning, I could undoubtedly ace the critical analysis essay. Furthermore, the grammar packet showed us how to use the MLA citation, integrate reliable sources that help maintain a coherent essay, and maintain a clear thesis throughout the essay. For our Critical analysis essay, my goal was to incorporate sources in a fluid way that efficiently analysis the text from Their Eyes Were Watching God, and to successfully apply the Toulmin Method in my essay. I was motivated to write this essay not only because I wanted to attain a good grade in my FIQWS class, but also because I wanted to learn, think, and act effectively in the world by writing.
       This critical analysis essay was the most challenging essay I had done in FIQWS class. As challenging this essay was, I enjoyed writing it the most as it was the reason I started to get out of my comfort zone by going to different buildings on campus for help. I learned to Engage in the collaborative and social aspects. I started visiting the CCNY library frequently as opposed as to how I barely went before at the beginning of the semester. Collecting different sources from the CCNY library helped me become more familiar with the library system, making me comfortable with my surroundings. I also went to the writing center which was a beneficial experience. Also by applying the methods I learned from the book They Say I Say by Graff and Birkenstein, I could demonstrate my ideas clearly in this essay. My goal in this essay was to incorporate sources in a fluid way that efficiently analysis the text from Their eyes were watching god, and successfully apply the Toulmin Method in my essay.
       In this Critical essay, we learned not to think of just our own opinions, but rather to think of everyone else’s, giving us the ability to be open to ideas, and expand our thinking. This essay helped me become familiar with the MLA citation as we were required to support our case with reliable sources that can be documented and verified.
     I enjoyed every essay I have written in my FIQWS class as they all helped me discover the passion I had for writing. The grammar packet, free write, writing center, and class discussion all improved my writing for the better. The strategies I learned in my FIQWS class will forever affect me as it was the reason I now love writing. Now, I desire to influence others with my writing. I want to be articulate. I aspire to impact people all over the world with my writing. Finally, I learned a fundamental lesson in my FIQWS class; Writing is the key to everything.