Hunter, Elizabeth - Final Project: The Dream

Getting Started

In the future, you will use this technology to allow others access to your memories and emotions. But in order to begin, it is important to understand what such connections feel like. Therefore, you have been assigned to a mentor. Your mentor's job is to share her personal memories and emotions with you to help you better understand the natural empathic connections that link all living things. Pay close attention to any sensations of empathy you feel when accessing your mentor's memories.  Ask yourself:
Where is the sensation of empathy located in my body?
In what ways is this experience similar to things that I have experienced?
Even though specific events may differ, can I relate to the sense of powerless and pain in these memories?
What belief systems do I hold that might allow for events such as this to continue and/or to happen to other people in the future?
As you locate answers to these questions within yourself, you can create specific memory links in your consciousness that will allow you to transmit these same types of questions as you share The Dream in the future.
Take a deep breath, focus on opening your mind and your heart. When you feel ready to proceed,
introduce yourself to your mentor. 

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