Hunter, Elizabeth - Final Project: The Dream

Welcome to the Dream

You have decided to implement Dream technology into your life. Before you continue, take a few moments to learn more about what the Dream is, why its important, and how it is used.

You have just placed the Dream technology on your head for the first time. Gazing at yourself in the mirror, you note that the Dream reminds you of an ancient crown or the necklaces made from nature that you and your friends created as children. You enjoy the weight and feel of the roots and wonder if this has anything to with the fact that you chose these roots yourself.

You were the one who carefully dug into the earth and asked the tree if you could use a part of her psychic system. Although this all felt silly at the time, you are grateful now that you took the time to prune your crown carefully from its creator and listened closely to directions on how to harvest the root without harming the plant. Something about your crown feels blessed and you suspect that this blessing is the work of the mother tree from which it came. 

You reach up to feel the single root stretched around your head and over your right ear. The crown follows the curve of your face, dipping to the corner of your mouth and up the bridge of your nose. You are aware of the slightest taste and smell of earth and spring water but are surprised that the taste is not unpleasant to you. In fact, although you can't quite place it, there is something comforting and familiar about the the flavor and the aroma.  

From your nose, the crown branches to the right and arcs just above your eye before circling back again and winding itself into a spiral in the center or your forehead. You note that the world looks different somehow. While it is difficult to identify exactly what the difference is, there is something mystical about it. The edges between objects seem softer and less defined.  There appears to be more happening in the air and on the ground than you ever noticed before. Colors seem brighter to you, although you realize that brighter is not exactly the right word. More accurately, you are simply seeing more colors than you have ever seen before. 

 Everything your perceive with your five senses feels heightened and incredibly precious  in a way it never has before. You gaze at yourself in the mirror and realize that you too are an important and powerful part of the world- that the actions you take and the decisions you make matter in a way that you had not previously considered. You feel deeply connected to the world around you...

And even more so to the small woman with dark hair and darker eyes that has just come through the door.  She smiles gently at you and asks if you are ready to combine your own natural psychic abilities with those of the Dream technology.

Smiling back at her, you take a deep, cleansing breath and tell her that you are.


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