FDR's Political Cartoon During WWII

Roosevelt Orders Navy to Shoot on Sight

Creator: unknown
Title:  Roosevelt Orders Navy to Shoot on Sight
Date: unknown
Format: Political cartoon, Lithography
Institution: FDR Cartoons
Link:  http://www.nisk.k12.ny.us/fdr/wwII_1942.html
The background information of this image is President Roosevelt issued an order to the U.S. Navy to shoot German or Italian warships in the west Atlantic on sight on September 11th 1941. This act was interpreted as an act of aggression by Germany. In the image, the background is ocean. The Statue of Liberty which represents America was on the left side of the image. On the bottom right Connor of the image, a periscope which has Nazi’s logo on it was surprised and scared because a ridiculous giant gun-barrel was in front of its face. On the gun-barrel, it says “shoot on sight order.” This image is not hard to understand because the symbols are simple, and the content is pretty straightforward. Even though FDR is not in this image, there is still a strong connection between them because this is an important decision he made in the war. it shows FDR’s ability to make right decision. This is an important factor for him to become a legendary leader.
Unknown. Roosevelt Orders Navy to Shoot on Sight. Digital image. FDR Cartoons, n.d. Web.

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