Fall 2023 - MACS265: Innovation Illinois

F2023: Assignments & Readings Schedule

Course Week: Date – Lecture
W1: 8/22 – Introductions to the Class & Instructors
Reading:W1: 8/24 - Thursday Lab: (On Your Own) Documenting Campus Spots

W1: Assignments (Due 8/28): Documenting Campus Spots Report & Reading Response

W2: 8/29 – Innovating Landgrant

In Class Resources:

W2: 8/31 - Thursday Lab -- Class Visit to Alice Campbell Hall Alumni Center, 601 S Lincoln Ave, Urbana

W2: Assignments (Due 9/4): Alice Campbell Hall Report & Reading Response

W3: 9/5 – Innovating Accessibility: Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES)
Reading:W3: 9/7 Thursday Lab -- Class Visit to DRES, 1207 S Oak St, Champaign

W3: Assignments (Due 9/11): Reading Response and Documenting DRES

W4: 9/12 – Archive & Research Methods
Reading: W4: 9/14 Thursday Lab -- Meet at University Archives, Main Library Room 146, 1408 W Gregory Dr, Urbana

W4: Assignments (Due 9/18):   Reading Response and University Archive Visit Report

W5: 9/19 – Social Reform, Accessibility, Safety, Inclusion: Project 500 & Nevada Street 
Reading:W5: 9/21 Thursday Lab -- On Your Own -- Visit UIUC Cultural Center

W5: Assignments (Due 9/25): Reading Response and Documenting UIUC Cultural Centers

W6: 9/26 – Social Reform (cont)
Reading: W6: 9/28 Thursday Lab -- Class Visit to Student Life & Culture Archives (SLCA; also known as The Archives Center), 1707 S Orchard Street, Urbana

The Bronze (#8), Teal (#12), Raven, and 22 buses stop near the SLCA. (You can also easily walk to the SLCA from FAR/PAR).
 You can use this Trip Planner to arrange to get there by noon. Google map overview here. If it were us, we would take the Bronze East bus (#8 that leaves the Illini Union (Green Street, South Side Shelter) at 11:34 am and arrives at Orchard Downs North Shelter West at 11:44 am. If you have trouble finding the Archive Research Center/Student Life and Culture Archives, please call or text Karen at 217-898-8787.

W6: Assignments (Due 10/2): Reading Response and Preliminary Proposal Worksheet 
W7: 10/3 – Living Learning Communities and Movements for Educational Reform
Reading:W7:10/5 Thursday Lab -- (Group) Project Proposal Workshop and Secondary Sources; meet in Main Library's Scholarly Commons, Room 220, 1408 W. Gregory Drive. Make sure to bring your project proposal worksheet with you!

W7: Assignments (Due 10/9): Reading Response and Secondary Source Worksheet

W8: 10/10 – Historicizing Research Ethics; Consent Overview
W8: 10/12 People & Data: Surveys and Data Bias (in-class); Survey Outreach Plan

W8: Assignments (Due 10/16): Reading Response and Survey Outreach Worksheet

W9: 10/17 – Survey Refinement
W9: 10/19 Thursday Lab  -- Finish Survey Refinement; Emails for Outreach; 31 Gregory Hall.W9: Assignments (Due 10/23): Reading Response and Alumni Interview Prep

W10: 10/24 – Student Movements -- Alumni Visit 
Reading:W10: 10/26 Thursday Lab -- Interview + Consent Form Lab (Lab in Greg Hall, Rm 031)W10: Assignments: (Due 10/30) Reading Response, Interview Prep, and Survey Outreach Follow-up

W11: 10/31 – Excel Workshop

Spend 30 minutes skimming: Brian Dear, PLATO History Blog
W11: 11/2 Thursday Lab -- -- (Group) Visit to the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), 1205 W Clark St, Urbana, IL 61801. Advanced Visualization Lab, Room 1005. Here's a map, if you need help finding the building.

W11: Assignments (Due 11/6): Reading Response and Interviews

W12: 11/7 – Plato 
Reading:W12: 11/9 -- Visualization Styles and Goals

W12: Assignments (Due 11/13): Reading Response and Interview Transcript

W13: 11/14 – Citations (and Visualizations with our Survey Data) Workshop
Reading: NONE

W13: 11/16 Thursday Lab -- Individual Meetings on Projects in 31 Gregory Hall

W13: Assignment (Due 11/29) Paper Outline and Draft Slides




Readings: none

W15: 11/30 --  Individual Review of Paper Outline and Draft Slides via Zoom: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/84356704174?pwd=RzNIdGNYR0ZtZzB1TDNyUjhNc0dSdz09. Individual times emailed to you from MACS265TeachingTeam@gmail.com.

W16: 12/5  FINAL DAY OF CLASS - Slide Presentations  (Papers Due 12/12) Meeting has been changed to virtual; here is the Zoom link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/87329714341?pwd=NEMxT0F3VkpCcSswdlh3MVVTWFBwZz09

The final paper is due by email to the teaching team at MACS265TeachingTeam@gmail.com at 9am Tuesday, December 12th.