Exploring the Mind: Seven Studies

How Tourettes can limit those with the condition

- Not accepted in social situations due to the stigma associated with the tics

- This disease causes distractions in daily life and in work because the tics can make performing certain tasks impossible

- Tics cause the people to become self conscious and withdrawn from society, eventually not willing to even try to do the things that a person with this condition may want to do

As previously argued, Tourette's comes with more than just the tics, it comes with the many social stigmas of society and misconceptions. The media presents it as a joke where people will just start swearing uncontrollably, and while this can be a manifestation of the disease, the disease is not a joke and the media portrayal and people misperceptions of the disease are the strongest limitations on those suffering from the condition. Much of the public lacks the knowledge that those who suffer from Tourette's do have these uncontrollable "Tourette's may seize control at any time. Being "taken over" or "possessed" can be more than a figure of speech for someone with severe Tourette's"


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