Exploring the Mind: Seven Studies

Conclusion: A Surgeon's Life

by Sanjay Annigeri, Olivia Battistoni, and Dylan Rasmussen

Tourette Syndrome is a condition that is often misunderstood and misrepresented by media outlets and the general public, but all things being considered, those with the condition are not very different from those without. Their brain works in a slightly different way, as can be seen by the physical manifestation of their tics, but their condition does not define who they are. It's important to recognize this, and to understand why jokes about the disease can be harmful to individuals suffering from it, in order to better support and understand those with Tourette syndrome. Dr. Sacks does a quality job of showing just how capable a person with Tourettes is of doing tasks as complex as surgery, completely disproving the preconceptions most have about the disease. His work is important in informing us of the truths behind this condition, to eradicate the fallacies so often associated with it. The case of Dr. Bennett proves that the obstacles that seem to limit those with Tourette's can be overcome and the stigmas of the syndrome are not accurate, as proven by his ability to perform successful surgeries for years.

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