Exploration in Digital Literature

Using Narrative Again In a Different Way

Walks From City Bus Routes" exemplifies the idea that exploring should expose one to new places and ideas. Many of the scenery and destinations that this work contains include hidden gems of the city that are not under constant attention by incoming tourists. The images shown above and below give examples of the different destinations that are not as frequently advertised as "must see" tourist places but are equally significant to see.

One caveat to the concept of exploring is that exploring itself can be limiting in itself as well. According to Bogost in his book "Play is in Things", "play is the act of manipulating something that is that doesn't dictate all of its capacities in advance, but it limits its capacities through focus and exclusion." In other words, exploring can be limiting to what the author like J.R. Carpenter includes in the list of unknown places that she destines important for the reader to be exposed to. Here, while exploring may seem freeing and can give the reader a chance to discover novel places that she/he might have never heard of, the extent of discovering these new places can also be restricted.

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