Exploration in Digital Literature

Navigating Through the City Page by Page: Design

Every time the reader opens up the work, the first page that the reader interacts with includes a diverse range of components on the screen. As the image on the right demonstrates, these components includes visual images of buildings and map icons, textual descriptions of the surroundings of the city and options on the speed of walking. The design elements of this page combining text descriptions with images of city scenery may have a purpose by J.R. Carpenter to imitate how a tourist figures out the new unknown places that he/she seeks to understand. Often to understand a new place, a tourist will often combine his/her observation of the architecture of the surroundings and a guide's description of the historical/cultural meaning of the surroundings to grasp his/her opinion of the place. With the contrast between visual images concentrated on the top left corner of the page and the map route symbol image embedded within the instructional text towards the center of the work, "Walks From City Bus Routes" offers the reader elements that reader would need to interact and perceive Edinburgh in person. The effect of mimicking the experience as if the reader was a tourist in Edinburgh online allows the reader to further feel immersed in exploring Edinburgh and more engaged in understanding the unknown aspects of Edinburgh. 

It is also important to note that the majority of the visual elements of this work are shown in black and white colors. The simplicity of the appearance opens up the idea that exploration is up to the reader's interpretation according to how he/she perceives the areas seen.


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