Exploration in Digital Literature

"the sea is nothing in sight but isles"

From this screenshot from Etheric Ocean, the elusive nature of the ocean becomes evident to readers early on in their exploration of Carpenter’s work. Through the parallel wording of “isles” and “I’ll,” readers can connect the concept of an island, something they can understand and physically see, with the narrator’s voice, which is broken up and fragmented throughout the piece by the ellipsis shown above. This parallel wording serves as a statement, telling readers that a familiar concept, in this case the concept of an isle, still has an element which lies beyond the grasp of their understanding.  Readers may gain some clarity in the visual connection of the word “isle” to the picture of the island in the upper left-hand corner, which serves to further emphasize the idea that sight, as opposed to our other senses, offers and expedited route to understanding. However, in exploring the depths of the ocean, where there is no light, we must resort to our other senses, emphasizing the important role sound plays in the exploration of the ocean.

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