Women’s Storied Lives

Women's Storied Lives

This exhibit explores various stages in women’s lives from “Infancy” to “Women of a Certain Age” through the books and periodicals they have written, annotated, and read. Some of these books were written for women and are thus prescriptive: the ways women are meant to live, behave, and contextualize their experiences. However, many of the books are written by women and provide a descriptive view: the ways women actually live, behave, and claim their own agency. A few provide both perspectives in one volume, and there is often a clear progression in ideals from the 19th century to the present and from one life stage to the next. Since traditional views are just that and are well-known, the majority of objects exhibited will explore non-traditional views and experiences.


You may choose to explore the exhibit cases in order; however, they are designed in a way that allows the viewer to experience each case separately, as well as communally, so that you may choose to view the exhibit out of chronological order without feeling lost. 


This exhibit explores various stages in women’s lives from “Infancy” to “Women of a Certain Age” through the books and periodicals they have written, annotated, and read. Some of these works prescribed the ways women should behave and contextualize their own experiences. Others were written by women to describe the ways women actually live, behave, and claim their own agency. Some even combine both perspectives into one volume. 


As the years have progressed from the nineteenth century, so have the ideals portrayed in the written works. Since traditional views are just that and are well-known, the majority of objects presented will explore non-traditional views and experiences. 


You may choose to explore the exhibit cases in order; however, they are designed in a way that allows the viewer to experience each case separately, as well as communally, so that you may choose to view the exhibit out of chronological order without feeling lost. 

Contents of this path: