Women’s Storied Lives

Girls' Book of Treasures (1890-1910)

Girls' Book of Treasures (1890-1910)
Emily Huntington Miller, 1813-1933
The Ohio State University Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, Part of the Jerry Tarver Elocution, Rhetoric and Oratory Collection
PN6071.G53 G57 1890z

Unlike A Child’s Delight, this work is directly intended for girls. Published sometime between 1890 and 1910, Girls’ Book of Treasures encourages an active interaction between the book and the reader as well as between the reader and other girls. Its short stories and detailed account of travels around the globe inspire conversation amongst the readers of this book. The thick pages also allow a girl to flip back and forth to find the game or poem she is looking for without ripping. This book focuses on offering various avenues for entertaining a young girl. A variety of both inside and outside games are described. Games like “The Seeress” and “Little Market Women” encourage word-play and creating agreements or relationships with other players within the game. The poems and plays to be recited also show that the expected behavior of a girl was to be amicable and sociable, especially with other girls.

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