The aim of the database is to encourage the study of the spread of Petrarchism in Europe from the publication of the Canzoniere to the present age. 
The database will contain all translations, both pictures and transcriptions, in European vernacular languages of the Canzoniere from the earliest to the most recent.
Translations cover translations proper, imitations and rewritings.

Portrait d’une jeune femme au recueil de Pétrarque Le portrait de cette jeune femme et celui de Laura Battiferri à ces côtés, ont un point commun : elles tiennent toutes deux le même ouvrage entre leurs mains. Le texte est lisible : il s’agit de sonnets extraits du célèbre recueil du Canzoniere – ou Chansonnier – de Pétrarque, dédié à son amour intemporel pour sa bien-aimée, Laure.:      
Francesco Petrarca, or Petrarch, (1304-1374) was an Italian scholar, a humanist and a poet. He notably rediscovered Cicero's letters, which partially led to what is commonly called the Renaissance in the 14th century. 
The Canzoniere which circulated in beautifully illuminated manuscripts was first printed in 1470. The collection rapidly became the most influential source for European lyric poetry well beyond the 19th century. His sonnets in particular became models for virtually all sonnets written after him, and the Canzoniere turned the sonnet into the most successful genre in the history of European poetry.

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