Residential Testimonies
“These children are the future of America. Human lives should not be used for the sake of progress.” (Gambino, 1979)
“The Love Canals remaining victims, do not have to remain victim. The laws that are passed could and should morally include them…pass the needed laws and set a precedent and help the victims of the Love Canal.” (Pozniak, 1979)
“We are the victims, and we want only what is right. The way the problem is being handled by the State and by the courts, we must sit and rot in this deteriorating environment. We are left with the responsibility of deciding to have another child here and worrying about weighing the odds of conceiving a child with a birth defect. Why should we be trapped into such a corner.”
(McCoulf, 1979)
“While the industries and local governments who created this problem stall and point their finger at the next guy, the victims suffer. While our state and Federal Governments drag their feet and do nothing, we, the victims are left to die.” (McCoulf, 1979)