Impacts on Communities
Long-term effects would be apparent in pregnant women and children. Some of these long term effects include mental health problems. The first suicide due to the spill was in June 2010. The man was a captain who had run a fishing business before the spill occurred. But due to the spill, he lost his business. Stress-related symptoms were already high, especially after Hurricane Katrina had hit the Gulf back in 2005. In the Gulf Coastal areas, there were increases in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, and alcohol-use.
4. Solomon, Gina M., and Sarah Janssen. "Health effects of the Gulf oil spill."JAMA 304, no. 10 (2010): 1118-1119.
5. Goldstein, Bernard D. 04. The gulf oil spill. The New England Journal of Medicine 364 (14) (/2011): 1334; 1334,1348; 1348.