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ENGL665: Teaching Writing with Technology

Shelley Rodrigo, Author

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Brain Rules 9 (Heather)-Weebly

As I was working on my Draft Major Assignment Prompt, I was thinking about assigning a digital portfolio.  Some of the examples that I found online when I googled "digital portfolio" were created in Weebly, which I had never heard of.  Admittedly, I only learned about WordPress last week as I was reading another student's assignment.  I have never used either platform and I have never created a blog, so take my review for what it's worth.
For starters, they have lots of beautiful templates.  I could pay to register the domain, but opted for a free weekly extension site:  If you pay for an upgrade, you can get assistance tracking the statistics of visitors to your site, and unlimited pages.  With the free version, you can only have up to 5 pages.  You can dive right into building your site, but I chose to go ahead and use the site planner tool, which was fantastic.  I'm not a computer programmer, but I'm not a total technology idiot either, and it was very user friendly.  In fact, you can play with the tools for about 15 minutes and have a pretty good idea of what to do. 

You have the option of when to save and when to publish.  It seems important to mention that, "Anytime you make changes to your site, your work is saved automatically in your Weebly account. If you don’t Publish those changes, your visitors will not be able to see them on your site. This gives you the flexibility to make updates at your own pace without having your site visitors see your work in progress. Just make sure to remember to Publish when you are ready."

Here is what the weekly interface looks like when you are building your page:
Here is the link to my final weebly page!  Below is a few screenshots in case you don't want to go to my link...
Here is my home page:
Here is my note taking page:
Comment on Kim's NL 9-  Your Piktochart is fantastic!  I used that program in a previous week, but I didn't know how you could use it to collaborate either.  I did not read New Learning this week and I find your summary about textbooks versus video games super interesting!

Comment on Mike's NL9-  So, Quizlet looks really cool!  I used socrative in a previous week and this looks similar.  I like the "cards" part of the program that allows a student to study in the style of old fashioned flash cards.  I also like the "test" section, where it sets the information up as a quiz.  This looks like it could be a useful tool, thanks for sharing!
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Discussion of "Brain Rules 9 (Heather)-Weebly"

Kevin's Comments on Heather's Weebly

I like how you used Weebly, and I personally like Weebly myself. I have been using it with my students for years. It is a free easy way for them to create a digital portfolio.

Posted on 3 November 2014, 9:34 am by Kevin M. Norris  |  Permalink

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