The Exploration of Electronic Literature

Faithfully Exploring Society

By: Katherine Schade    
As previously stated, Faith
stimulates exploration of self and electronic literature but it also stimulates thoughts on society as a whole. The poem’s broad topic of faith provokes thoughts on how beliefs influence communities. Different opinions may arise from the idea of faith affecting greater society. The end of the poem is where the exploration of the world is emphasized. On slide four and five, the simplest inclusion of the words “deeper world” in the poem indicate Kendall’s use of the theme of exploration of the world. Further, the statement that contains “deeper world” influences the readers’ experience heavily. By writing, “the deeper world’s One True Word: Leap”, Kendall emphasizes the idea of a leap of faith into something that may be illogical. This leap of faith connects to Brainstrips: A Three Part Knowledge Series by Alan Bigelow in the question of whether God exists or not.

The use of technology also creates a greater impact on the reader by having the word leap appear last on the slide and then having the word grow and span across the whole last slide in bold black letters. The clear stress put on the word leap in relation to the world’s ideas on faith, readers learn of Kendall’s opinion that faith is the largest leap in the world. The reader is lead to think about this idea and the impact that it has on society. Some may think that the leap creates a gateway for new ideas and passion thus enhancing society. Some may believe the leap to be a dangerous and scary idea that can cause misconceptions in society that stray from the cold hard facts. Whether this a good or bad component of society is up to the reader. The need for a decision about the leap of faith and its impact society causes the reader to explore the world more than any statement of fact the author could have made. The exploration of world allows for the idea of societal change to enter the readers’ mind and thus a greater meaning for the work comes about with the intention of creating a positive change in society after experiencing the work.

To go learn about a different work of electronic literature, click here.
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