Drone Logic and Network Failure

Recreational Drones

Drones are being used more frequently in sports as well. In the first video, the glory of the game of football is being dramatized and heightened, with the drone zooming over the field and capturing the exciting game. In the second video, however, the drone camera fails, batteries die, and it comes crashing to the ground, almost landing on the skier. Batteries dying in a drone is an example of technical failure, a concept we can relate back to Eye in the Sky. In the film, the bug drone's batteries die, and the group of military watchers are forced to live in the suspense of unknowing once again. Technical failures are not uncommon in other technologies; computers overheat, watch batteries die, and television bulbs die out. But time and time again, we are amazed, astonished, and most of all annoyed by their failures. 


But who cares?

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