Drone Logic and Network Failure

Drone Logic and Failure

What does it look like when drones fail? How does the chain of commands for drones set itself up for failure? What do drones add to their network? These are some of the questions we hope to explore in our project. We hope to connect the network and chain of responsibility to the other side of drones: recreation. People are taking drones to all corners of the Earth in very creative ways. In addition to the role of the drone network on the life of an individual (i.e. kill chain and surveillance), we hope to explore the role of the individual drone pilot in the greater social network (i.e. recreational drones). Examples will include clips from Eye in the Sky to illustrate the military network and drone surveillance as well as the clips from individuals who use personal drones to give a different perspective on filmmaking and social networking. We aim to show how failure of the network operates in both spheres.


Chain of Commands in the Military