Why Me? Male Infertility and Responsibility in the Middle East
Inhorn, Marcia. “Why Me? Male Infertility and Responsibility in the Middle East”. Men and Masculinities 16, no. 1 (2012): 49-70. https://marciainhorn.com/wp-content/uploads/10.1177_1097184X12468098.pdf.
[1] Also see Amar, Paul. “Middle East Masculinity Studies: Discourses of “Men in Crisis,” Industries of Gender in Revolution.” Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1 November 2011; 7 (3): 36–70. doi: https://doi.org/10.2979/jmiddeastwomstud.7.3.36
[2] This comes from the Men and Masculinities journal which explores the roles and perceptions of men within society in the emerging field of men and masculinity studies. The article belonged to a special issue on Men, Masculinity, and Responsibility.