Disability Laws in France: The Impact on Schools and Workplaces


          France has approximately 12 million disabled people that are impacted by a system that was not built for them. The blueprint for France was created for abled people, so it is important to recognize the challenges that people with disabilities face and criticize the current laws in place to determine the effectiveness of the laws for people with disabilities in the workplace and schools. Our objective for this research is to identify what the government needs to improve in order for people with disabilities in France to be treated equally and have accommodations for their disabilities. We accomplished this through understanding the development of French laws by discussing the history of why they were made and the social pressures that the government had. We also looked at how their implementation impact disabled people in schools and the workplace. For the method for this project, we used Scalar to create this interactive website and used PittCat to find sources for our research that we analyzed. The main home page of our website includes the abstract and thesis to provide background on the research. Then we created sub-headers that the audience can interact with to view more information about the specific topics we addressed, which includes history,  disability laws in the workplace, and disability laws in schools. The results published on this site include the analysis of current laws and how they are implemented along with brief comparisons to other countries with different solutions. We concluded the sections focused on the workplace and schools with what can still be improved by proposing ways to modify laws or create different solutions based on the research we have done and the testimonies we have read from the disabled community in France so that they have a voice.
          There are many laws in France that the government implemented to help improve the lives of people with disability by creating substantial advancements. The laws redefined disability which allows people to claim those disabilities and gain more resources that benefit them. The laws in France impacted many sectors including public schools, the workplace, and medicine. Although the laws gave people with disabilities better financial compensation to be used for their expenses, more job opportunities by urging employers to hire a certain percentage of people with disabilities, and improved conditions in public schools by focusing on inclusion, there are still improvements that need to be made to ensure a non-discriminatory workplace environment and to make sure students with disabilities, especially those with autism, have access to proper resources that would allow them to get the most of their education.

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