The Stanley Chronicles Project

Assignment for which the work was created.

The work was created for an assigned term paper at the University of Saskatchewan. Below are the instructions handed out to students in Spring 2017.

Term Paper – 40%

Due the last day of classes

You will write a 2000-2500 word essay on a topic relevant to the class. This essay could take the form of a traditional paper or could take a more unorthodox form inspired by the course material. You must consult with me as to the subject of the paper and its form before beginning work so that we can agree that its subject and form are of an appropriate scope. I can also assist you with a topic if you are having trouble developing one. The paper must include references to appropriate critical sources. With your permission, your final assignment will be posted to the course blog once you have received your mark and had an opportunity to make revisions.

[note: there is no course blog].

View the entire course syllabus: Art History 251 - Art of the Internet

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