Depression Era Exhibit

Hobo Band Parade, circa 1926


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Version 2

titledcterms:titleHobo Band Parade, circa 1926
descriptiondcterms:descriptionDuring the depression, students seemed to be losing their interest in school spirit. The university had many different homecoming activities, but like the “Hobo Parade”, canceled in 1934, students seemed to be losing school spirit. The Daily Illini took note, reporting: “Homecoming appears to be back-sliding this year, not because of faulty management or any cause of the like, but seemingly because many students seem to think that all the frivolity and collegiate spirit connected with the weekend is more or less passé.” But while other traditions died, the homecoming football game lived on at such a scale that toppled the campus in celebration and cheer in a time plagued with depression year after year. (History of Illinois Homecoming: Depression and Wartime,” ExploreCU, accessed March 2, 2016,
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date creatediptc:DateCreatedcirca 1926
sourceiptc:SourcePhotographic Subject File, 1868- RS 26/4/1
unique document idiptc:UniqueDocumentID0006228