1media/Seventh_crusade_thumb.jpg2022-12-22T06:53:31-08:00Amanda Luyster17d39c1ecea88fb7ff282fe74a410b89478b8327394472Louis IX on a ship departing for the Seventh Crusade. Guillaume de Saint-Pathus, Vie et miracles de Saint Louis. BnF, Français 5716, fol. 40. Wikipedia.plain2022-12-22T06:56:26-08:00Amanda Luyster17d39c1ecea88fb7ff282fe74a410b89478b8327
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12022-06-16T10:05:27-07:00When was this made?8plain2022-12-22T06:57:19-08:00 The sword pommel of Pierre de Dreux was made around the year 1240, or perhaps a few years later, before Pierre's departure on the Seventh Crusade (1248–1254). The pommel was the result of an arduous and meticulous crafting procedure. During this time period, King Louis IX reigned over France, and Louis led the Seventh Crusade. King Louis IX ascended to the throne at just the age of 12, after his father passed away after only three years on the throne. King Louis embraced his familial ties with Pierre, who acted both as a diplomat and a warrior inside and outside France.