Cragmor Sanatorium Main MenuTuberculosisCragmor SanatoriumCragmor Doctors and StaffCragmor PatientsCragmor Bankruptcy/BailoutCragmor Photo GalleryResourcesJessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
1930's Ariel View - Cragmor
12016-05-01T13:24:28-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc783891Courtesy of Pikes Peak Library District - Digital Image Searchplain2016-05-01T13:24:28-07:00Jessica Precht and Jessica Scottad97e8f052daf68272a058c17affce0374d09fc7
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12016-04-27T11:52:11-07:00Cragmor Building Introduction7plain2016-05-01T13:27:03-07:00Original Cragmor/Home Buildings: In the center of the image, you will find the original Cragmor buildings that were in tact during the 1905 opening. The most important of the buildings being the Home building which would later become the nurses home and administration building.
Main Building: In the top left you will find the Main Building. This is the heart of Cragmor, however it was not the original Cragmor building.
Cragmor Village/Cottages: In the center and up the bluff on top, you will find Cragmor Village. Some of the cottages are new in the 1920s, others further up the bluff have been with Cragmor since its opening in the early 1900s. This are housed many of the necessities and retailers for Cragmor's Patients.
New Building: The new building allowed additional patients and gave the staff more room as well.
Cragmor Manor: This building was not yet built so it was not portrayed, when a majority of the cottages in the Village had been torn down, it was put in their place attached to the east side of the building.