Academy Hall
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Spanish Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The Spanish and Hispanic studies program prepares students for participation in a global society through courses designed to expand their knowledge and understanding of the language, cultures and perceptions of the Spanish-speaking world. The goals for the Spanish major are based on the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Language’s National Standards for Foreign Language Learning. The Spanish and Hispanic studies program provides learning experiences that prepare students to achieve the following outcomes:
- Develop communication skills in the Spanish language
- Gain knowledge and understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures
- Make connections between Spanish and other disciplines
- Develop comparisons based on insight into the nature of the language and the culture
- Be enabled to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world
(Department description from 2015-2016 Concordia College course catalog)
Department Head:
Dr. Mary K. Rice who earned her Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and Ph.D degree.Other faculty:
- Ady Johnson
- Elizabeth A. Arroyo
- Dr. Francisco L. Cabello Cobo
- Dr. Eduardo Gargurevich
- Karin Hillstrom
- Dr. Fanny R. Roncal Ramirez
- Leonor Valderrama de Sillers
Majors and Minors offered:
- A major and minor in Spanish is offered
Sampling of Courses taught:
- Beginning Spanish
- Intermediate Spanish
- Culture of Spain
- Latin American Literature
Courses are taught in Academy Hall
Church Professions Present (2015-2016)
*Same Information as religion department
Department Description:The study of religion is an essential component of the academic program at Concordia. Religious beliefs and practices organize human life around ultimate commitments and concerns. Understanding the diverse elements and expression of religion contributes to quality liberal arts learning and to personal enrichment through engagement with perennial questions about meaning, truth and value.
Department Head:
- Dr. Roy Hammerling is the current head of this department. Dr. Hammerling has earned his Bachelor of Arts, Master of Divinity, and his Ph.D.
Other Faculty:- Ahmed Afzaal
- Per M. Anderson
- Jacqueline A Bussie
- David A. Creech
- Hilda P. Koster
- Michelle M. Lelwica
- Anne T. Macko
- Jan H. Pranger
- Ernest L. Simmons Jr.
- Elna K. Solvang
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Major: Religion Major
- Concentration in Faith and Leadership Concentration
- Minor: Religion
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Christianity and Religious Diversity
- Jesus the Jew-Jesus the Christ
- Religions of East Asia
- World Christianity
Building: Academy
Fun Fact:
If interested in a Church profession one would major in Religion with a concentration in Faith and Leadership.
German Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The German program is a part of the department of world languages and cultures and has as its mission “recognizing and affirming global awareness through the study of the language and cultures of the German-speaking world.” Through coursework and a unique set of on-campus and overseas programs, students achieve high proficiency levels in the German language and attain a high degree of cultural awareness of the German-speaking world. The German program provides learning experiences that prepare students to achieve the following outcomes: develop communication skills in the German language, gain knowledge and understanding of German-speaking cultures, make connections with other disciplines, develop comparisons based on insight into the nature of the language and culture, and participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. (Taken from the 2015-2016 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Dr. Mary Rice is chair of the World Languages. She has received her Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and Ph.D.Other Faculty:
- Jonathan P. Clark
- Stephen A. Grollman
Courses of Study Offered:
- German is offered as a Major or Minor
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Introduction to the German-Speaking World I & II
- Advanced Composition and Style
- Germany, Austria, and Switzerland Today
- The German Art Song
- Sustainability in Germany
Classes are currently held in Academy Hall.
Religion Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The study of religion is an essential component of the academic program at Concordia. Religious beliefs and practices organize human life around ultimate commitments and concerns. Understanding the diverse elements and expression of religion contributes to quality liberal arts learning and to personal enrichment through engagement with perennial questions about meaning, truth and value.
Department Head:
Dr. Roy Hammerling is the current head of this department. Dr. Hammerling has earned his Bachelor of Arts, Master of Divinity, and his Ph.D.
Other Faculty:
- Ahmed Afzaal
- Per M. Anderson
- Jacqueline A Bussie
- David A. Creech
- Hilda P. Koster
- Michelle M. Lelwica
- Anne T. Macko
- Jan H. Pranger
- Ernest L. Simmons Jr.
- Elna K. Solvang
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Major: Religion Major
- Concentration in Faith and Leadership Concentration
- Minor: Religion
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Christianity and Religious Diversity
- Jesus the Jew-Jesus the Christ
- Religions of East Asia
- World Christianity
Building: Academy
French Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The purpose of the French program is to foster a deep sense of passion, curiosity, discovery, understanding, and connectedness with the global community in order to empower our students to engage and act responsibly in a culturally sensitive and multilingual manner. The French program provides learning experiences that prepare students to achieve the following outcomes: to acquire communication skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing – at various levels of proficiency; to develop the ability to communicate with people of other cultures in their language; to have the opportunity to have direct contact with speakers from France and the Francophone at home and around the world; to appreciate the contributions by people of the target civilizations to history, the arts, literature and their established institutions, etc.; to acquire a better understanding of the English language and the U.S. culture through comparison with other languages and cultures; and to stimulate the curiosity and the imagination and motivate to continue the study of languages beyond college to full proficiency. (Taken from the 2015-2016 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Dr. Mary Rice is the chair of World Languages. She has received her Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and Ph.D.Other Faculty:
- Zacharie N. Petnkeu
- Gay G. Rawson
Courses of Study Offered:
- French is offered as a Major or Minor
- French Education Major
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Beginning French I & II
- Intermediate French I & II
- The Best of French Literature
- Francophone Films
- Development of French Prose
Classes are currently held in Academy Hall.