Concordia College Department Histories

Heather Loy

My name is Heather Loy, and I am a senior graduating from Concordia College in May of 2016! I am a Communication Studies Major and a Business Minor. After graduation, I look forward to beginning a career in Human Resources or something fairly similar to it. For our Digital History course, my group and I put together this fabulous project for the 125th Anniversary of Concordia College. As a group we decided it would be fun to do some research in the Archives on a few selected Departments currently at Concordia College. After completing our research we decided Scalar was the best place to display our findings. My responsibility during this project was to research nine of the departments, past and present, along with finding photos of professors and departments. I have learned so much from this project and it has been a joy and a pleasure to put this together for the 125th Anniversary of Concordia College.

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