Business-Management Information Systems Concentration Present (2015-2016)
A major in Management Information Systems is no longer offered. Instead, business majors have an option to obtain a concentration in Management Information Systems.
Department Description:
The major in business offers 10 concentrations: agribusiness, economics, nance, healthcare administration, healthcare financial management, healthcare leadership, long-term care administration, management information systems, marketing, and organizational leadership. Students must take supporting and foundation classes prior to enrolling in upper-division courses (300 and 400 level). Permission may be granted by the instructor for students to concurrently take one foundation or supporting class with upper-division courses. (Department description from the 2015-2016 Concordia course catalog)
Department Head:
Linda C. Keup (Associate dean) who earned her Bachelor of Science, Master of Business Administration, and Ph.DOther Faculty:
- Daniel V. Anderson, director, long-term care administration and healthcare financial management programs
- Susan Geib
- Abhijit Ghosh
- Shelly K. Gompf, director, healthcare leadership program
- Hanna B. Hartman
- Michael A. Johnson
- Maggie D. Jorgenson
- Albert Kagan, director, Business Research Center
- Ahmed M. Kamel
- James R. Legler
- Christopher J. Mason
- Ralf Mehnert-Meland
- Faith W. Ngunjiri, director, Lorentzsen Center for Faith and Work
- Scot A. Stradley, advisor, Omicron Delta Epsilon
- Odile J. Streed, director, international business program
- Ronald G. Twedt
- Andrea Van Winkle
Majors and Minors Offered:
Sampling of courses Taught:
- Software Application
- Math 203 Finite Mathematics