Composing Collaborative Feminist Recovery Projects with Scalar

Cautions and Conclusions


  • With tags, less is more.
  • Check that your desired media to upload less than 2MB.
  • Keep the design layout of pages (book splash, basic, image header) uniform in style to help a reader understand content types and indicate which pages act as the "cover".


Scalar offers design choices with advantage from hypertext composition and still from the linear ordering of print composition too, as seen with the structuring thread of paths as further discussed in this article. However, it posed a challenge to incorporating freeform design choices that didn’t stem from Scalar’s own features unless a page was created using code — HTML design. Challenges in working within the program were equally weighted though, with choices to most fully represent the goals of recovery; these choices of whether to make images/media the focus, and how much text to include of chosen works which resulted in many disparate yet united pieces was subjectively heart-warming. As a final note about content or “parts” of the text, it is important to note the ways Scalar collapses boundaries between parts and paths, revealing the inextricability of form and function. Specifically, the tagging feature, which is discussed as a navigational feature in this article, is notable as also a substantive content area. 


    This page has paths:

    This page has tags: