The company was established May 12, 1933, at Fort Missoula, Montana, the first CCC company in Montana. It was moved to Haugan, Montana, Camp F-9, under the supervision of Captain E. W. Ely.
During the life of the company it has been stationed at ten different locations with varied work programs. The company was stationed at Alberton, Montana, during the winters of 1933 to 1938, except in 1934, during which the winter was spent in Elk Creek, California. Winter seasons of 1938 to 1940 were spent in Jordan, Montana. Summer camps were established by the company in Haugan, Montana, May, 1933; Citaldel and Olnry, Montana, (both temporary), in April, 1935; Coram, Montana, in May, 1935; Moise, Montana, in April, 1936; Bridgehead, Montana, 1937; Goat Creek, Montana, 1938; and Jordan, Montana, 1939. The company was disbanded in April, 1936, but was reconstructed that same month to be sent to Moise.
Work projects have included nursery care, forest-fire fighting at Haugan; remount station work, trail and sign construction at Alberton; constructing fire breaks at Elk Creek, California; forestry and road construction at Coram; rodent control work at Moise; forestry road construction and bridge building at Bridgehead; forestry and road construction at Goat Creek; and reservoir, road and fence construction at Jordan.
The company won the District Basketball Championship at Alberton in 1934 and 1937 and the Western Montana Independent Championship in 1934. It entered participants int the first annual District Boxing Tournament in February, 1940.
A fire in May, 1939, burned the recreation hall and resulted in the death of enrollee John F. Antonovich.
The company received nation-wide publicity and commendation when in March, 1939, rescue work was done in the Big Dry Creek flood in the town of Jordan.
The present camp personnel includes James B. Clift, Company Commander, Emil F. Brinkman, Subaltern, Willian J. Martin, Contract Surgeon, Irving B. Moore, Education Adviser, and George H. Snell, Project Superintendent.
- James B. Clift - Company Commander
- Emil F. Brinkman - Subaltern
- Irving B. Moore - Educational Adviser
- Dr. William J. Martin - Camp Surgeon
- George H. Snell - Project Superintendent
- Wesley G. Grant - Foreman
- W. A. Larson - Foreman
- Harry Bowman - Camp Engineer
- Walter Barker - Foreman
- Don Allison - Mechanic
- John H. Hinther - Foreman
- John W. Cox - Foreman
Don L. Abernathey, Boyd A. Abrahamson, Edward E. Ames, Maurice A. Bachler, Allan A. Baunsgard, Alfred L. Beguin, Leroy L. Billings, Brett H. A. Blackburn, Robert E. Bowen, Chester R. Boyce, Warren T. Boyd, William E. Brooks, Fred R. Buckler, John W. Burton, Robert E. Busch, Christie G. Bush, Donald J. Canan, Thomas W. Collier, Daniel E. Davis, Clifford K. DeHart, Hillard F. Delp, Joseph A. Dobrowolski, William D. Dowling, C. D. Ellis, Royce W. Embanks, Joseph D. England, Guy W. Epperly, Louis E. Evarts, Jr., Willis D. Fields, Robert E. Fitzpatrick, Vernon L. Fogle, Zellin K. Fritz, Bert A. Frye, Earl D. Gierke, Bob F. C. Gray, Thomas L. Green, Frank Hajek, Harry B. Hall, Gordon W. Hanson, Robert H. Hart, Robert P. Hatter, Burdette E. Heckert, Harold E. Hedges, Albert E. Hedstrom, Robert E. Henderson, Carl M. Henkle, Eddie E. Holland, John C. Hollenbeck, Earnest Hontos, Samuel A. Horning, James T. Howard, Clarence D. Idland, Clarence W. Jacobs, Arthur D. Johnson, Donald A. Johnson, Ralph H. Joost, Orville W. Jorgenson, Iray N. Krueger, Jack S. Lanning, Jr., Richard Libby, William M. Manchester, Harold C. Manning, Charles F. Martin, Charles D. McDowell, James D. McLean, Ray L. McMullen, James M. Meehan, Alfred J. Mercier, Walter E. Meyers, Donald R. Miller, Clarence J. Milner, Edward E. Misenar, Dan Mitchel, Alexander M. Moffatt, Edward C. Morgan, Robert I. Morgan, Ernest P. Morrison, Reinhard Myer, James V. Nation, Orian A. Parker, Everett M. Peabody, Raymond J. Peters, Philip R. Pfeifer, John J. Popiel, Clement A. Pray, Andrew J. Qualland, Earle J. Rasmussen, Arthur L. Ray, Clifford L. Rollins, Earl G. Rouse, Kenneth E. Sanford, Frank E. Schelffers, William M. Seibold. Clyde E. Shaw, Aaron A. Sieler, Albert Skaar, Antone T. Sokoloski, Jack W. Sorensen, DeWayne Sovereign, Donald L. Spellman, Cyril E. Spencer, Charles E. Springer, Richard H. Steiner, Frank J. Stoll, Rudolph V. Talik, Earnest L. Tunnell, William D. Whitney, Wilbur T. Williams, Donald R. Wilson, Walter A. Young, Thomas P. Zielinski