Camp Ballantine
1 2023-04-02T10:03:36-07:00 the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula 2ed0a4c76b15fe2d208dedaebb1fcaaa8b4d9c38 42489 6 Ballantine, Montana plain 2023-04-02T11:21:27-07:00 the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula 2ed0a4c76b15fe2d208dedaebb1fcaaa8b4d9c38Camp name: Camp Ballentine - BR-57 | Camp type: BR - Federal Reclamation Project | Date established: September 1935 | Companies stationed there: Company 2503 |
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- 1 2023-04-01T13:34:45-07:00 the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula 2ed0a4c76b15fe2d208dedaebb1fcaaa8b4d9c38 Photo gallery the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula 10 structured_gallery 2023-04-03T11:27:54-07:00 the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula 2ed0a4c76b15fe2d208dedaebb1fcaaa8b4d9c38
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Company 2503
Company 2503 was organized in 1935, at Camp Camp Berry Creek, California. The Company spent time in Kentucky and Montana. They created their Company Review while stationed at Camp BR-57, near Ballantine, Montana. The Company arrived at Ballantine in 1935 and was assigned the project of building roads and a dam.
Click on the buttons below to learn more about Company 2503:Company 2503 was organized on June 22, 1935, at Camp Berry Creek, California, with 1st Lt. Leo C. Wilson as Commanding Office and 2nd Lt. C. W. Callahan as Adjutant. Only 27 members were assigned to the company during the first month of its existence. The company was disbanded at Camp Berry Creek one month later, and then reorganized at Fort Knox, Kentucky, on September 10, 1935, with 190 men under the command of Captain W. C. Farrell.
Construction of Camp Ashton, BR-57, was begun on July 15, 1935, and completed September 5, 1935. Company 2503 left Fort Knox, Kentucky, on September 10th and arrived at Camp Ashton on September 13th, and has remained at Ballantine, Montana, ever since. The name of the camp was later changed from Camp Ashton to Camp Ballantine.
The company at the present time is under the command of Mr. John B. Lawless. Mr. Charles A. Teeters is Subaltern; Dr. William L. Young, Camp Surgeon; and Mr. Lester E. Abey, Educational Adviser.
The camp had improved steadily since the date of its organization, and is now standing second in the Fort Missoula District in general rating. The company is unique in its educational course in practical agriculture, with a 40 acre farm, and 4 acres of garden land, maintained by enrollees of the company, the first project of its kind in the Fort Missoula District.
The work project at Camp Ballantine is under supervision of the Bureau of Reclamation, and the principal work is construction and maintenance of the mail canals on the Huntly Project Irrigation District. Since its organization in September, 1935, the Bureau of Reclamation at Camp Ballantine has used over 15,000 sacks of cement in construction of checks and turnouts and other small structures; has constructed 7 miles of road, cleared 409,000 sq. miles of channel, and placed 12,000 sq. yards of bentonite lining; and has constructed a large earth-fill dam at Anita, Montana.- Construction and maintenance of mail canals
- Road building
- Dam building
- Canal building
- Maintaining agricultural fields in camp
Enrollees:- John B. Lawless - Company Commander
- Charles A. Teeters - Subaltern
- Lester E. Abey - Educational Adviser
- Dr. William L. Young - Camp Surgeon
- Irving Berg - Project Superintendent
- Andrew Belcher - Foreman
- Anthony Jacobucci - Foreman
- Jesse Davidson - Foreman
- Charles Krshka - Foreman
- Alvin J. Bowman - Foreman
- William H. Hancock - Junior Clerk
- Harry Johnson - Agricultural Instructor
- Frank Benson - Shovel Operator
- Wilbur Bartholomew - Mechanic
Wesley Anderson, Edwin Augustine, Andrew Balog, John Barnes, Bruno Barzda, Robert Baughman, Victor Beekman, Ernest Bennett, Charles Billings, Raymond Bogenschutz, Joe Bolinger, Robert Bookman, Roy Boulton, Charles Boyd, Jacob Brandfass, Robert Brunsman, Dean Bussinger, Allen Campbell, Harry Campbell, August Castro, William Chidester, Stanley Chmielarski, Alfonso Conti, Isaac Cornell, Charles Crawford, Roger Creech, Norven Cremeans, George Crouch, Austin Crowe, Raymond Custer, Richard Dayton, Kenneth DeWell, Theodore DeWerth, William DeWitt, Ralph Douglas, William Driscoll, Shelby Drown, Orville Earl, Karl Elliot, Albert Ervin, George Farrier, Charles Fenger, George Fenger, Charles Fichter, Anthony Filigno, Eugene Foreman, Elmer Forge, John Frazier, David Gallimore, Lloyd George, Peter Getz, Nelson Gilmore, Ben Glowacki, Stanley Golinski, Richard Gosden, Thomas Green, Louis Griffin, Goodloe Gritton, Robert Gunnoe, Glenn Hall, Ernest Hamilton, William Hanshaw, Robert Haren, Herbert Hayes, Richard Heintzman, Chester Hendrix, Cecil Henry, Chester Herr, Ralph Hisey, Thomas Horton, James Howell, William Hurley, Guido Iacoboni, John Jablsonski, Harry Jackson, James Jameson, Charles Jancsek, Frank Johnson, Raymond Kaser, Frank Kerekes, John Kilcoyne, Jack Kimble, Thomas King, George Kirkpatrick, Raymond Large, Earl Latherow, Duane Leggett, Carroll Lewis, Atlee Lint, Harold Lovett, Herman Lutz, Vincent Macaione, Howard Mann, Harvey Marshall, Clarence Martin, Francis Maye, Alpha Mays, Robert McAdams, John Mikolaj, Roy Moler, Evert Overdorff, Claude Persinger, Jr., Telmer J. Peterson, John Porter, Charles Pressdee, Bud Price, James Racco, Louis Rauch, William Redding, Norman Regalski, Earnest Riley, Henry Robinson, Elmer Rose, Robert Rose, Rexall Salisbury, Paul Sandy, Donald Schorr, John Schweitzer, George Seabeck, Steve Serdinak, Jr., Robert Shearer, Wilbur Shearer, Freeman Shipley, John Shuba, James Shumaker, James Sidoti, Walter Sienkiewicz, Carl Sites, Edward Slifka, James Smith, Edward Sokolowski, Ladimer Specian, Jack Squire, Clifford Stall, Bernard Stetter, Robert Stevens, Karl Stewart, Frank Szabo, John Szafran, Albert Tesmer, Cecil Tewksbury, Ralph Thurman, Nicholas Venger, Albert Vianello, Fred Welch, Robert Wentz, Irving Weyant, Harry While, Walter Wooley, Eldon Yoak, Elvus Yoak, John Zawada, Harry Zeiser.
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- 1 media/1985.010.002AA_thumb.jpg 2023-02-27T11:34:26-08:00 Ballantine CCC Camp BR 57 Co. 2503, 1935-1942 5 media/1985.010.002AA.jpg plain 2023-05-15T13:31:13-07:00 HMFM Permanent Collection, The William Sharp Collection, 1985.010.002.aa