Colorado History: History 312, Spring 2019

Other Grades


10% OF YOUR GRADE will be based upon a 500-word summary of a chapter in La Gente, and your brief role in the class on February 13 leading the discussion of that section.  Unlike most history paper, your summary should be largely narrative.  It should convey the key points of the chapter without commenting upon the contents.  The questions you compose in advance for the discussion of the book should somehow lead students towards a deeper analysis of the content without giving away your own thoughts on the subject.  We will sign up for chapters of the book on Slack starting February 1.  

15% OF YOUR GRADE will be based upon a paper concerning the book Vacationland.  The question is: “In William Philpott’s Vacationland, how success are the people of Colorado at shaping nature to their needs? [Very successful? Moderately successful? Not successful at all?]  Why?  Explain your answer, quoting passages from the book to help you demonstrate the justification for your assessment.  The resulting paper should be 5-7 pages long, double-spaced, 1″ margins.

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