Colorado History: History 312, Spring 2019

Colorado History

TTh 1-2:20PM in Psych 154 and GCB 312
Office: GCB 314

Office Phone: 549-2541
Office Hours:  MWF 1-2PM, TTh 12-1PM

This is not going to be a conventional Colorado History course. It’s a digital history course, which means most of your work will be group work that goes into creating a permanent, digital, historical project on the open Internet. It’s also a hybrid class. That means much of the meeting, conversing and learning will be done off campus and online, both through various programs and an online blog.

That also means that we will not meet as a class on most Thursday afternoon at 1PM (although I am usually available to talk at that time with advance notice). For about half the course sessions, you should meet at an off-campus archive or library to do research on or work upon your group projects. Those meetings DO NOT need to take place during class time.  When possible, I will pop in during your meeting to see how you’re doing. All students will later report on their sessions on their blogs (which is particularly important for off-campus sessions when I'm not there).

Having a working e-mail address that you check is one of many electronic requirements related to this course. I will be collecting e-mails from you on the first day of the course. You will want to give me an address that you check fairly frequently because I will use it if I need to get a hold of you for some course-related business (most notably grades). All formal correspondence with me should go through the e-mail listed above. All assignments should arrive via Slack Direct Message. We'll set that up the second week of class, and you should check Slack regularly as that's where most of the class announcements will arrive.

This University abides by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which stipulates that no student shall be denied the benefits of an education “solely by reason of a handicap.” If you have a documented disability that may impact your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please see the Disability Resource Coordinator as soon as possible to arrange accommodations. In order to receive accommodations, you must be registered with and provide documentation of your disability to: the Disability Resource Office, which is located in the Library and Academic Resources Center, Suite 169.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Use the English language to communicate with clarity, coherence and persuasiveness, demonstrating critical analysis, logic, precision and rhetorical awareness. (Communication)

Identify, analyze and evaluate arguments and sources of information to make informed and logical judgments, to arrive at reasoned and meaningful arguments and positions, and to formulate and apply ideas to new contexts. (Critical Thinking)

Articulate the nature of a multicultural society and recognize the role of aesthetic awareness, foreign language skills, cultural and social perspectives or human and institutional systems of the past and present. (Diversity and Social Responsibility)

Clarify and evaluate their own values and ethical conduct and analyze the values and ethical conduct of others. (Personal Values and Ethics)


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