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Colorado Chicano Movement

Dianne Archuleta , Author

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Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlán, MEChA, was established in the months of March and April of 1969. The National Youth Liberation Conference in Denver, Colorado gave birth to the Plan Espiritual de Aztlán, and the Chicana/o Movement was formally established. It must be remembered that multiple Chicana/o Student organizations were represented at the conference, none of which went under the name of MEChA. Following the Denver, Colorado conference, another Chicana/o student conference was hosted in April but this time in Santa Barbara, California. This conference was hosted with the intention of bringing all Chicana/o student organizations together under one, and with this MEChA was born along side the Plan de Santa Barbara. MEChA has had a strong presence in Colorado almost every campus of higher education in the state, and has made a lot of change for our people as well as helping guide young Chicana/os into understanding their Chicana/o identity.

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