Chicago's Community Response to COVID-19

Things You Do While in Quarantine by Yvette Petropoulos

An image post by Yvette Petropoulos depicting her art work titled "Things You Do While in Quarantine." She goes on to say: "My name is Yvette Petropoulos and my quarantine mates are my husband Petros, our 1.5-year-old daughter Ariya and our cat Lula.  We live in the North Center neighborhood in Chicago, IL.   We used to spend our free time to socialize with our friends and family but due to social distance restrictions we decided to use our time to get creative.  My husband built a book shelf for our daughter’s room, a step stool for our growing toddler and I have painted a couple of art works which is something I did not do often before the stay at home order.  My latest art work is called, “Things you do while in Quarantine”.  Seeing people get creative with their time at home inspired me to paint their resilient efforts during this unusual time."

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