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Portrait of the Rodriguez family at home
12020-05-05T12:57:53-07:00f8aac65083dd8407d9238044a16c756173f4d1dd370401An image post by Rudy Rodriguez Jr. depicting a portrait of he and his wife wearing masks at home. Rodriguez says: "I decided to do a portrait of my wife and I at home. Something that we will always remember. Adding the mask- the new normal for the world. Our love for each other has a whole new meaning..."2020-05-05T12:57:53-07:00cov14155Rudy Rodriguez Jr.Oswego, Ill.41.685027, -88.3388424/17/20Imagef8aac65083dd8407d9238044a16c756173f4d1dd
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12020-05-05T13:55:40-07:00Portrait of the Rodriguez family at home1An image post by Rudy Rodriguez Jr. depicting a portrait of he and his wife wearing masks at home. Rodriguez says: "I decided to do a portrait of my wife and I at home. Something that we will always remember. Adding the mask- the new normal for the world. Our love for each other has a whole new meaning.../Rodriguez Strong."plain2020-05-05T13:55:40-07:0004/17/2020Oswego, Ill.41.685027, -88.338842