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Assumption Catholic Church parishioner Stefania Dion films Father Joseph Chamblain saying Mass to an empty church
12020-04-20T14:06:40-07:00f8aac65083dd8407d9238044a16c756173f4d1dd370401Image post by Marcia Whitney-Schenck depicting Father Joseph Chamblain saying Mass in an empty Assumption Catholic Church on March 20, 2020. Since the churches were ordered closed, Father Joseph Chamblain was videotaped by parishioner Stefania Dion in an empty church, celebrating the Fourth Sunday of Lent. Like many churches, the services could be seen on the church's website and on other internet outlets. Photograph by Marcia Whitney-Schenck, Chicago.2020-04-20T14:06:40-07:00Marcia Whitney-SchenckAssumption Catholic Church, 323 W. Illinois St., Chicago, Ill.cov1396541.890830, -87.6364203/21/20Imagef8aac65083dd8407d9238044a16c756173f4d1dd