12020-12-15T21:21:34-08:00Tang Li94607ee88639079982d0344d02ff8ecdf7b6dc46309964"Lithography is a printing process based on the fact that grease and water don’t mix. A greasy material, such as a special crayon, is used to draw an image onto a surface (traditionally stone but sometimes metal). When a roller loaded with oil-based ink is rolled over the stone or plate, the ink is repelled by the wet surface and instead, sticks to areas drawn over with the greasy drawing tool. Once this surface is printed onto paper it creates the image in ink. Watch Lithography Printer and Tutor Nora Hammenberg, Stone Tree Press, show you how to create lithographic prints in this step-by-step guide."plain2020-12-17T09:13:56-08:00National Museums LiverpoolJun 8, 2020Tang Li94607ee88639079982d0344d02ff8ecdf7b6dc46