ChicanaDiasporic: A Nomadic Journey of the Activist Exiled

Chicana 1974

1974 the Texas RUP Chicanas make a decision to abandon the NWPC focusing on state work, with the RUP, PASO and MABPW in Texas, Comision Feminil, MAPA and a host of northern and southern California political groups. Rhea, as vice-chairperson, recognizes the platform (if not the direct agency) the NWPC offers the Chicana Caucus and begans a strategy to reach out to Chicana/Latina women across the country. The Midwest Council of La Raza at Notre Dame, as a clearinghouse creating relationships across eleven states, disseminating information on policy and action. Across Milwaukee and Madison Wisconsin, Toledo, Ohio, Kansas City, Missouri, and Davenport Iowa, the efforts of Olga Villa and Jane Gonzales kept Chicanas plugged into this Midwest network.

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