This path was created by Keagan Fowler.  The last update was by Purity Gituma.

Carleton Place Heritage Project

The Waterworks: Position in a Cultural Landscape | Keagan Fowler

“The new power house is something of handsome proportions and promises to be most ornamental as well as a permanent structure of the first rank. The steel for the standpipe is expected within a fortnight.” (The Carleton Place Herald, October 27, 1914)

This excerpt from The Carleton Place Herald refers to the introduction of the Waterworks building in 1914. Situated on the outskirts of Riverside Park, this structure, and the connected infrastructure, was quite a leap forward for Carleton Place. As we shall see through its exterior style, the Waterworks is actively in dialogue with Riverside Park’s cultural landscape as the town progresses forward at the turn of the century.


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