This page was created by Keagan Fowler. The last update was by AVRC.
Carleton Place Heritage ProjectMain MenuThe Carleton Place Roundhouse and the Royal Tour of 1901 | Ashley MowryThe Waterworks: Position in a Cultural Landscape | Keagan FowlerHigh Street Residence | Lauren MaloneySee the town and family histories come together at 207 High Street.Keyes Block | Sean FuA Landmark of Carleton Place's Commercial IdentityAVRC81ff8dad33b7fe77eee9a543209e890531c75438
A Symbol of Progress
12022-02-22T12:59:57-08:00Keagan Fowler338512480dfac7f8ed9e1b10efd9a411a0c076f3401032Concluding the Role of the Waterworks' Exteriorplain2022-03-16T13:33:50-07:00AVRC81ff8dad33b7fe77eee9a543209e890531c75438Deeply rooted in Carleton Place’s history is the use of Riverside Park for industry. The progress of the town and its respective industries warranted the implementation of waterworks infrastructure. The Carleton Place Waterworks secured its foothold next to the river, spreading prosperity throughout the town under the veil of a small, yet well ornamented, building. The ornamentation allowed the Waterworks to function within a cultural landscape, which emphasized leisure and community as city residents visited Riverside Park for quality time. The Waterworks building is truly multi-functional in its representation of town growth, as well as acting within the rules of the surrounding landscape, while still being utilitarian in function.