Capturing O'Neill: Dedication pages of books on Irish traditional music, signed by Capt. Francis O'Neill

Mrs. James Wiseman #3 (test)


To: Mrs James Wiseman
with compliments of the Compiler + Editor
Capt Francis O’Neill
Nov 12th 1907


James Wiseman was a relative of Capt. Francis O’Neill. In one of his letters he writes, speaking of his nephews, “all except Robert Wiseman have forgotten my friendships and my address.” [Michael O'Malley]


My father John Kelly Junior got the book from his father John Kelly Senior. My Grandad (JK Senior) said that when he got the book from a Cork man, Mr Crowley, he knew from when he was working in the bog of Allen in 1945. The man was a relation of the person who the book was dedicated to. You can see that in the details below which he wrote.  [Aoife Kelly]  

Note in John Kelly’s handwriting: I got this Book from a Cork man (a Mr Crowley (as ldf sargent) as a gift in 1940 who was a distant relation of Mrs James Wiseman. Mentioned by Captain O’Neill in the book. John Kelly 82 Capel Street, 1945 The year I came to Dublin 

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