Botanical Gardens Adventure

Vacant to Vibrant


The Cleveland Botanical Gardens in conjunction with two other cities, established a four year project to determine the effectiveness of small urban green spaces in providing environmental and social benefit to the neighborhood.  It took vacant land in urban settings and with the help of city planners, storm and sewer water management, sustainability and city government, were able to work towards restoring it to productive use. Land in Gary, Indiana; Cleveland, Ohio; and Buffalo, New York were selected for these installations where storm-water capture, green space installation, and recreational-social interaction would be promoted.


The Botanical Garden developed a blog to keep partners informed of the process and the results. Suggestions are offered to local residents to encourage participation and engage support of the community.


Interested in reading the blog serving supporters and beneficiaries of the vacant to vibrant movement:

Use this link to see a video concerning the vacant to vibrant initiative:

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